The blessings and power of circles…

I began gathering women in new moon circles over thirty years ago in Upstate New York in my yoga studio. It was a very special time. I asked eleven women who were my yoga students to make a commitment to come together on every new moon for one year. And they did. That group is still going on all of these years later. Many members have since moved away, myself included. However, I asked them to make it a priority in their lives, and they did.

Why that worked, and still does…is that they chose to make it a priority - to nourish their mental, spiritual and emotional health in the vessel of community. What if we all prioritized our emotional and spiritual and mental well being more, and with regularity and support? What if we created third spaces that were not a bar or a gym but a sacred safe space for union, communion and connection that could lead to deeper self awareness and discovery. What if we chose to build community through the integration of our own work?

Over these decades I have felt growing gratitude to witness more and more circles being formed, by men and women. I continue to feel that a valuable focus is to prioritize an awareness of the lunar cycles. Most farmers are acutely aware of the influence of lunations on life. And, all animals other than human animals clearly live in accord with the phases of the moon.

Sadly, things like moon cycles and planetary cycles were ignored and even taboo. I encourage men and women to find ways to learn more about the phases of the moon and to make choices in accord with this powerful force that does absolutely influence life on our planet.

New Moon Women’s Gatherings at New Moon Yoga Studio - Traverse City Michigan

Upcoming Dates: Sundays February 9th and March 30th 5:00 - 8:00 pm

Women’s Circles support women in having a safe space to come together to share, to discover and connect more deeply with themselves and with each other. Throughout history, women traditionally gathered at the new moon, as their cycles were more commonly in sync with the lunar cycles. Lunar energy effects every living thing on the planet. Staying mindful of lunar rhythms can support us in every aspect of our lives.

Our circle evenings include: meditation, sharing, journal writing, and guided visualizations with an intention of creating a welcoming vessel for growth and clarity. What is it that we are truly passionate about, and do we know what it is that holds us back? What is our life purpose and path? Do we feel like we are on that path? What does our soul need to discover and experience in this lifetime? Sharing and having the opportunity for conscious reflection can truly be transformational.

These are open circles that are donation based. RSVP is required. Through the winter we meet at New Moon Yoga Studio and in the spring and summer we will meet at other locations, often on the beach with a campfire. In February we will meet closer to the full moon and be back on a new moon schedule by March.

By coming to the circle there are agreements that you will be asked to keep in regard to honoring what is shared in the circle and how we share. Please email me if you are interested in attending:

Women’s SAUNA Circles - HEARTH SAUNA - Traverse City Michigan

Winter Dates: February 14th Special SELF LOVE Sauna and February 28th all at 4:00 pm,

March 14th and March 29th 4:00 pm and April 12th and April 26th at 3:00 pm. (Please note we do change times in April)

I am very happy to share that we are also gathering very close to, or on, the new moon and full moons through the winter at Hearth Sauna. Thanks to Nick Olson we have a fantastic sauna right in Traverse City ( near Elevate Climbing Gym) with two cold plunge pools outside the door. These gatherings are 70 minutes and you can come in and out as you need. You’ll need a bathing suit, ideally two towels and water. Cold plunges are optional. Nick has offered us a community discount code for our circles bringing the cost to $20.00 per session. More information is on his website The code for our circles is: community. This is a great deal and I hope you’ll join us.

It is an honor to sit in circle and I hope you’ll consider gathering with us. I have also mentored women in the US and UK in leading their own circles and I am available to consult with if you are interested in beginning a circle where you live.