The Artist Path
When I acquired my BFA I never imagined that I would be creating with food, as my primary medium for expression…for over forty years. Throughout the years I did return to dabbling in clay and multimedia, I explored letterpress, and a lot of photography was always sprinkled in, but it was coming to Michigan that brought a whole new fascination and opportunity.
For it is here that I discovered our Great Lakes, and they are truly great. I have dedicated hundreds of hours to walking as many miles of public beach on this peninsula as I can. The castaways from the lake are extraordinary. I have made more pieces of driftwood art than I can keep track of now. These photos are a very small sampling of some of the forms that I have created.
I am honored to say that my work is now a part of private collections. I have worked with both designers and collectors to create or offer a piece that will accommodate their space and desire. It brings me great joy to rescue pieces of driftwood lumber off of the beaches and create the perfect pairing with branches or bark or vines.
A number of my pieces are regularly on display throughout Commongrounds in Traverse City and are also for sale in their short term rental condos. Thank you for interest. Please let me know if you’d like to see more from my growing collection of creations.