Alchemy Farms began in 2018 in Maple City Michigan. The farm is really a large field that is home to an abundance of, somewhat unruly at times, medicinal herbs and edible flowers. Many of the plants are perennial and grace the field with their wisdom and persistence, against a number of odds. For starters, I had never farmed in sand. The field is in one of most beautiful, and frost prone, valleys in Leelanau. I learn a lot from my plants, patience and perseverance for sure.

I love the word alchemy. It’s really about the magic that can seemingly happen when you bring common elements together. The farm definitely has its own magic, its multiple life forces and beings. I began farming there because I needed to connect in with this earth called Michigan and I wanted to grow edible flowers because no one here was doing that. I never thought it would continue on this many years, or with so many different products.

For years, I had many wwoofers from the WWOOF program help at the farm and it was a joy to have so many diverse people experience the farm and contribute to the farm. The products are ever changing and are sold locally in Traverse City at a number of places and at my Etsy Shop.

The farm is not open to the public though I do welcome sharing the farm and herbal wisdom through volunteer experiences. I also lead seasonal flower essence workshops and classes at the farm. Please message me if you’d like more information or to come out and volunteer April through October.


Wherever a man turns he can find someone who needs him. ~ Albert Schweitzer